fredag 11 januari 2013

What do you think about school

1. What do you like best about school?
That I learn more and more things... and it's funny to know things :P

2. What do you like least about school?
When I fail and haven't made a good job!

3. Who are your best friends in school?
My best friend is Alexander Bartosik!

4. What do you do at break time?
Just sitting and shilling with my friends.

5. Do you ever get told off by your teachers? What for?

6. How do you feel when you arrive at school in the morning?
I feel a bit sad, I just want to go home and keep sleeping in my bed. But then I think of my friends, and that we will have some fun at least.

7. How do you feel when it's time to go home?
I feel happy that i finally can go home and have a bit of free time. But also feel sad that I have homework to do.

8. Friends question: Are you good in school?

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